Friday, August 14, 2009

A Use for that Charmoula from Last Night

Orzo with Veggies and Charmoula

We love orzo! So silky and such a great size to let other ingredients shine. This is a summer room temp dish made with orzo that gets dressed with charmoula as soon as it comes out of the pot--the warm pasta will absorb flavor very nicely. The I added sauteed eggplant, yellow zucchini, green pepper, red onion, one long hot chili pepper, and diced tomatoes with garlic. Add the veg, then more charmoula. We are topping ours with grilled charmoula marinated shrimp, but it would be great without them and would be totally vegan.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, El! What a great blog - looking forward to finding some fun meal ideas here!

    We make something like Charmoula but use cilantro, garlic, lemon juice, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax oil, kelp powder and sea salt. This is supposed to be good for drawing heavy metals out of your system. And it's very yummy to boot.
